Of Every Race
(Acts 10:1-48) RLB 12/1/23 The room was filled, with his family and friends.A Gentile people, which every Jew offends.We were wondering why, we were even there.And started questioning, Peter’s visionary prayer. We do not belong, in this uncomfortable scene!These people are Gentiles, considered unclean.But Peter assured us, that God told him to come.After following these…
The Resurrection
The Resurrection (Acts 4:32-37) RLB 11/14/23 No greater event in all of History’s reflection,Even comes close to Jesus Christ’s resurrection.Just think, if every event were condensed into one,It would pale in comparison with God raising His Son. For that event was not just for Jesus, you see.It was for all of mankind. For you and…
Escape The Flames
Escape the Flames (Acts 3:1-11) RLB 11/9/13 We left early that afternoon, just so we would not be late.For the prayer service that day, beyond the temple’s gate.Approaching the Beautiful gate, a beggar asked for money.We looked at him intently, saw his condition was not funny. We commanded, “Look at us!” The lame man eagerly…
Not the Nails
Not the Nails (Mt.27:31-56+Mk.15:20-42+Lk.23:26-49+Jn.19:16-37) RLB 10/25/23 There were screams of pain, filling the air.As flesh and wood, are secured there.Created to hold, many things together,Even in storms, and all kinds of weather. Nails were in use, before the year 3,000 B.C.,But none more signifiant, than these three.That secured His arms, and feet to the cross,Just…
Are You Prepared?
Are You Prepared? (Matt. 26:17-19 + Mark 14:12-16 + Lk. 22:7-13) RLB 10/16/23 The most incredible thing happen, on that first day,Of the Festival, when the Passover lamb is slayed.We asked Jesus, “Where do we prepare, the meal for you?”“Go to Jerusalem, and obey what I tell you to do.” “As you go in the…
Alabaster Jar
Alabaster Jar (Matt. 26:3-13 + Mk. 14:1-9 + Lk. 10:39-42 + Jn. 12:2-8) RLB 10/11/23 All I could do, was sit quietly at His feet,And listen to His every word, before we eat.It was like, there was, no one else in the room.Not even my sister, vigorously sweeping a broom. Of course she complained, about…
Eternity (Matt. 25:31-26:2) RLB 10/10/23 Eternity is something we can not comprehend.There is no beginning and there is no end.When we think we are someone who understands,Time in eternity is not measured by demands! Because it’s so hard, we think it’s not real.But we cannot deny, it’s presence we feel.The thought; you’re loved, more than…
Forever Near
Forever Near 10-09-2023 RLB 2:28 AM Please try not to cry because of my leaving.Do you can see my face, smiling and beaming?With a joy far greater than I have ever known.With a love beyond what I have ever shown. I am with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.Whom I have loved all my life,…
Like A Trap
Like A Trap (Matt. 24:1-5 + Mk. 13:1-37 + Lk. 21:5-39) RLB 10/07/23 Watch out! Was the cry, that I heard.Then I saw the sign, and read the word.Land Mines Ahead! They are on this path.Wasting no time, I quickly did the math. I knew if I continued, there would be grave danger.But this path…
Under God’s Wing
Under God’s Wing (Matthew 23:1-33) RLB 10/06/23 Oh, the height from which we have fallen!Has everything God’s done, been forgotten?We speak one way, but our lives are another.Doing, not the good we should do, but the other. What sadness and tears! This must make God cry.And lovingly ask, just one question, “Why?”“Why when I’ve given…