Few Are Chosen
(Matthew 22:1-14) RLB 9/30/23
The King prepared a great wedding feast for his son.
Servants told those invited, “It’s prepared!” But refused to come.
So he sent other servants, “Its all ready!” Come let us feast.
But those invited placed priority their own way, the King’s least.
The King was furious for three invitations were sent.
Plus they treated his messengers with such an evil intent.
So he sent out his army to destroy that murderous town.
When his army was finished, that town was not found.
And he said to his servants, “The feast is ready, go out and find!”
“Everyone you see! The good, bad, lame and the blind.”
So the servants brought in everyone, until the hall was full.
The King’s request, for those people, had much more of a pull.
But, when the King noticed a man without proper wedding clothes.
He asked, “Friend, how is it you are here without these clothes?”
However, the man had no reply, for he knew he had been given,
Wedding clothes at the door where he was guided and driven.
The King had his aides bind and throw the man out,
To the outer darkness, reigning tears of regrets throughout.
The Kingdom Banquet, Jesus paid with his life to be open.
“For many are called, but few are chosen.”