Healing Touch
Luke 13:10-21 (9/7/23)
That day when I first woke up,
I had not a hint, or even a clue.
Of what the day was going to bring,
Or of what our great God would do.
It was the Sabbath Day that day,
A day to rest, a day to worship God.
I readied myself, made the journey
Even though I looked so so odd.
Eighteen years with my body broken,
Bent double and looking at the ground.
Unable to straighten up, what a sight!
Ever since that day, evil sprits bound.
Still I trodded to the synagogue that day.
Took a seat among the Jewish women.
Listened to all the scriptures being read,
Glimpsed a priest dressed in fine linen.
But, then I heard a voice teaching with
The most compassionate love ever heard.
Enduring the pain of raising my head,
I started listening to his every word.
Watching him when he sat back down,
I could not believe what I just saw!
Gesturing he called me to come to him.
Oh, how my heart filled with awe!
At once I struggled to get on my feet,
And slowly made my way toward him.
Looking in his eyes, I could clearly see,
He knew all where my life has been.
“Dear woman,” he said, “You are healed
Of your pain and of all your sickness!”
Then his touch, that I will never forget,
His Healing Touch and the quickness!
I instantly stood straight up. Standing,
For the first time in eighteen years!
I started praising God, hugging the man,
My eyes where filled with joyful tears.
Since, I have never stopped thanking God,
For everyday, He really does so much.
He changes lives, heals our bodies,
All with His Healing Touch!