Not the Nails
(Mt.27:31-56+Mk.15:20-42+Lk.23:26-49+Jn.19:16-37) RLB 10/25/23
There were screams of pain, filling the air.
As flesh and wood, are secured there.
Created to hold, many things together,
Even in storms, and all kinds of weather.
Nails were in use, before the year 3,000 B.C.,
But none more signifiant, than these three.
That secured His arms, and feet to the cross,
Just so all mankind, would not suffer the loss.
In the Garden, we separated from God that day.
Believing Satan’s lie, we chose our own way.
From that moment on, God has called us back,
By providing a way for us to win that attack.
No nail in the cross held Jesus there.
Our sins darkened the skies and filled the air.
Understanding the wrong we’ve done, entails,
Knowing our sins held Jesus, not the nails.
2 responses to “Not the Nails”
Moving, convicting and knowing how very loved we are. No greater love.
We are loved by God more than we know. Thank you. Barbara.