The Greatest Command

The Greatest Command

(Matt. 22:34-40 + Mark 12:28-34) RLB 10/03/23

Listening to the debate and how Jesus explained the resurrection.
His answer left the Sadducees without words, just reflection.
Amazed because His teaching was like nothing of the latest,
I asked, “Of all the commands, Teacher which one is the greatest?”

Jesus replied quoting from the fifth book of the law.
Word for word, as I remembered it, precise and without a flaw.
“Listen, O Israel the Lord our God is the one and only Lord.
With all your heart, mind, soul and strength, love Him in accord.

“And the second command is just as Important as the first.
Love your neighbor as yourself. No command be more rehearsed.
“Well said,” I replied. “For you have surely spoken the truth.
I know these are important. I was taught them from my youth.”

Then with a look of understanding he told me something very odd.
Exposing my life, he said, “You’re not far from the Kingdom of God.”
“Not far!” I thought, then realized, is the same as not being there.
And that my lack of loving obedience, tells God, “I do not care.”

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