Under God’s Wing
(Matthew 23:1-33) RLB 10/06/23
Oh, the height from which we have fallen!
Has everything God’s done, been forgotten?
We speak one way, but our lives are another.
Doing, not the good we should do, but the other.
What sadness and tears! This must make God cry.
And lovingly ask, just one question, “Why?”
“Why when I’ve given you, all the love that I am,
Do you choose Satan’s way, who wants only to damn?”
Every part of our lives, God has in clear view.
Our pasts, our present, and what we will do.
Even with this knowledge, God looks for a way,
To gather us closer to Him everyday.
Like a hen gathers her chicks beneath her feathers,
So God offers protection and throws us tethers.
It is up to us if we choose to grab those and cling,
To the greatest security of all, Under God’s Wing.